Hannah Banana's Duct Tape Extravanganza

My name is Hannah and here on this blog, I am selling duct tape creations! I will sell duct tape roses that are on the tops of pens and duct tape wallets and duct tape hair bows, and bookmarks. And make sure to look on side to find all of the prices!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Finally, other things besides flowers =)

Okay, this isn't too fancy, but this duct tape bracelet.
Thin Size
You can get it in thick like this one, or thin like the blue one.
Thick Size
This a hair bow, it is pink with a blue strap. It is so cute you could where it on your shirt even! Size for this bow:


  1. :) I like pie! I want a flower (small) u know who I am

  2. Sorry these are pretty pointless but if ya want one you still can.
